TMJ Treatment

Do you struggle with jaw pain? Symptoms like jaw stiffness, headaches, jaw clicking, and toothaches, could indicate an issue with your jaw joint, also known as TMJ pain.

You don’t have to live with the consistent pain and uncomfortable symptoms any longer. Drs. McLaughlin , Miller, Patel, and Petermanand will find the right treatment methods to improve your quality of life. Learn more by calling our office.

What Are TMJ and TMD?

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint. You have two of these joints; one on either side of your face in front of your ears. These joints connect the lower jawbone to the skull and allow you to open and close your mouth.

TMD stands for temporomandibular disorders. This acronym is an umbrella term for various conditions impacting those TMJ joints and jaw muscles. Sometimes, you’ll hear people call temporomandibular issues, TMJ, but the more accurate description would be TMD.

Woman holding hand over cheek in pain

Symptoms of TMD

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may have a temporomandibular disorder (TMD):

  • Jaw pain or stiffness
  • Clicking, popping, or grinding sounds when opening or closing your mouth
  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Toothaches or sensitivity unrelated to decay
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Ear pain or a feeling of fullness in the ears

Treatment Options for TMJ Pain

TMJ disorders can cause chronic pain and impact your ability to chew and speak. These conditions can be quite painful and decrease your quality of life. So, seeking treatment is essential.

At Middle Tennessee Prosthodontics, we provide multiple treatments. You may benefit from one approach or from a variety of options. We will develop a treatment plan for you and make adjustments with time to ensure the best results.

Our treatments include:

Many medications can relieve symptoms. Some options include anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxers, and antidepressants.

We make custom dental appliances that address TMJ pain. These include oral splints and mouthguards that help hold your jaw in a better position to reduce grinding and clenching.

We can refer for:

We can teach you exercises that stretch your jaw and improve muscle strength around the joints.

Another treatment option is injections at trigger points to reduce muscle knots.

We will try conservative treatment approaches first. But, if these don’t work, oral surgery is a good option.

TMD treatment can significantly improve your quality of life by reducing jaw pain, relieving related symptoms like headaches and ear discomfort, and restoring proper jaw function. By addressing the underlying issues, treatment can also prevent further damage to your teeth and help you chew, speak, and move your jaw with ease.

Call Our Team for Caring TMD Relief

If you have symptoms of TMJ pain, a consultation is the best place to start. During this appointment, your dentist will start you with a treatment based on your symptoms and the severity of the condition. To learn more about the TMJ treatments we offer, visit our TMJ website.

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